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Woke up early to harbourfront ferry terminal. Meetup with andrew to collect our ferry tickets. Our package is a 3D2N stay which includes return ferry tickets, snorkeling and fishing equipments and all meals. The whole journey from Singapore to Kelong took about 3 hours.
鍖轰氦閫氶泦鍥 彫寮 浜屽 搴 伐浣滀細璁 毃鈥滅編涓戒綑鏉 濆缓璁惧姩鍛樺ぇ浼? 62涓 湇鍔 偣瀹炶 24灏忔椂鍏ㄥぉ鍊欒惀涓? 涔斿徃鑷充笢婀栬繛鎺ョ嚎宸ョ 浜屾爣娈靛叏闈 惎鍔ㄥ苟鎺ㄨ繘宸ョ 椤圭洰寤鸿. 2016骞村叕浜ゅ 欒溅浜 鐩 鍒 氳繃楠屾敹. 涓哄畬鍠勬垜鍖哄叕鍏变氦閫氳 鏂斤紝鏂逛究甯傛皯鐨勫叕浜ゅ嚭琛岋紝杩戝嚑骞存潵锛屽尯浜ら 氶泦鍥 疄瀹炲湪鍦ㄦ墦閫犫 滃叕浜や究姘戔 濊繖椤规皯鐢熷伐绋嬶紝涓嶆柇澧炲姞. 鍏嬮毦鏀诲潥鈥斺 斿尯浜ら 氶泦鍥 姪鑹 笟娓 秷闄ゅ姡鈪ょ被. 闆嗗洟鍙 紑鈥滀竴璺 竴鐜 濋 鐩 缓璁惧姩鍛樺ぇ浼? 鍏 叡鑷 杞 鐩? 鐡剁獞浜ら 氬ぇ妤肩墿涓氱 鐞嗛 鐩? 鍊 浣庣 鐜 繚 鑷 杞 叕鍙告惡鎵嬭储. 鍦虹珯鍏 徃寮 灞曗 滃弻浜夊ぇ璁ㄨ 鈥濅笓棰? 浣欐澀鍏 氦寮 灞曚笁鏈堚 滀富棰樺厷鏃モ 濇椿鍔? 鎶 鏈 敮鎸侊細 缃戝敖绉戞妧.
We represent the Yorkshire and Humberside region of The British Judo Association. And our aim is to provide the opportunity and encouragement to people within Yorkshire and Humberside to participate and reach their potential in Judo. We provide equally for those who want to partake recreationally as those that want to compete to the highest level. Good communication outside the Yorkshire and Humberside Area as well as internal is essential and.